"MLA West Midlands is working for the region to promote and develop excellent museum, library and archive services which are available to everyone, today and in the future.

We will do this by supporting and championing the development of museums, libraries and archives, to encourage them to inspire, enrich and record the life, environment and works of all its people and to enhance the cultural, social, educational and economic life of the region."

This site is currently under review

Chief Executive Kathy Gee
0121 631 5801
PA to Chief Executive Sofia Zamir
0121 631 5802
Company Secretary Shakespeare's Secretaries Limited For matters relating to the conduct of the charitable company, first contact the Assistant Company Secretary c/o [email protected], 0121 631 5828

Development Director Geoff Warren
0121 631 5805
Funding Adviser Carl Franklin
0121 631 5806
Workforce Development Officer Mark Hinsley
0121 631 5819
Workforce Development Support Officer Kim Joy Edmunds
0121 631 5828

Access and Learning Development Manager Michael Cooke
0121 631 5818
Learning Development Officer Lindsay Tulloch
0121 631 5815
Access and Learning Development Officer

Heather Hollins

0121 631 5817
Standards and Stewardship Officer Paula Brikci

0121 631 5814
Contracts Support Assistant Pat Bingham (p/t)
0121 631 5816

Knowledge Development Manager Simon Bennett

0121 631 5821
Content Co-ordination Officer Philip Kiberd
0121 631 5822
Information Assistant Julie Bedward
0121 631 5823
AWM Libraries Challenge Administrative Assistant Judi Locke (p/t)
0121 631 5811

Administration and Finance Officer Julie Kendall
0121 631 5807
Finance Team Assistant Dawn Somerville (p/t)
0121 631 5810
Co-ordinator (Conferences and Meetings) Deanna Jackson (p/t)
0121 631 5809
Co-ordinator ( Kim Crawford (p/t)
0121 631 5808

Address: Second Floor, Grosvenor House
14 Bennetts Hill
Birmingham B2 5RS
Fax :
0121 631 5800
0121 631 5825


Contact Us
The Board


MLA West Midlands is supported and core funded by Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) 16 Queen Annes Gate London SW1H 9AA tel: 020 7273 1444 email 

MLA West Midlands is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee. Charity No: 513708.