Peter Boyden Associates (PBA) was commissioned to undertake a programme of work leading to an audio-visual (AV) archives strategy for the East and West Midlands in a letter from the Director of the Media Archive for Central England (MACE) dated 17 February 2005. He wrote on behalf of a Steering Group established to oversee the project. The group met on 20 May 2005 to approve a work plan. Alongside the original brief and PBA’s proposal in response, this document sets the terms of reference for the project.
The strategy aims to develop a “realistic and sustainable vision for the archiving and availability of the audio-visual culture of the Midlands”. To do so it must understand the scope and nature of regional holdings along with both the motivations of the groups responsible for their safe keeping and the policy objectives of public stakeholders. It must also reflect the need for professional practice and the aspiration for maximum access which drives the wider Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) cultural agenda.
The project therefore aims to:
• assess the strategic priorities of stakeholders
• identify the nature and scope of regional holdings
• identify issues surrounding their collection, documentation and preservation
• identify issues surrounding their proactive use
• set strategic aims and objectives for sectoral development
• make proposals for implementation
An interim “issues paper” was presented to the Steering Group following a period of consultation over the summer of 2005. Those consulted are detailed in Annex A. Members of the Steering Group are marked with an asterix. Thanks to everyone who made time available. A Glossary of Acronyms is presented in Annex B. Documents consulted are listed in Annex C. The issues paper raised issues for the Steering Group’s discussion. Some were generic and affect the whole country; others were specific to a pan-regional approach linking the East and West Midlands.
This final report draws on the issues paper and takes account of the Steering Group’s response. Following extended discussion of initial drafts, the final report now carries the unanimous and unequivocal support of the Steering Group. The emphasis is on practical and incremental steps to move the AV archives sector in the Midlands forward. Taking this into account, the final report is presented under four headings:
• Section 1: The case for investment
• Section 2: Strategic context
• Section 3: Vision, aims and objectives
• Section 4: Delivery
To read the strategy and the executive summary and key actions please see attached pdf files.