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You will find projects relating to Research & Development here.

Investigating School Participation with Museums and Archives

Baseline Research Questionnaire

The Government is committed to ensuring that within the next ten years, no child will leave school without having had access to high quality arts and culture.  The MLA’s Cultural Entitlement team are working on a number of strategic initiatives which support this commitment by increasing both supply and demand for cultural services and resources.

One of the strategic initiatives currently being undertaken is baseline research.  This focuses on the participation of all schools in the West Midlands with heritage services.  The research aims to identify the level of engagement of schools with heritage services whilst identifying and documenting the barriers to participation.  A questionnaire has been designed for all West Midlands schools to answer and this can be found by clicking on the heading above.

Fast Forward 2004 Update

The West Midlands is the only region to have a long tradition of mapping the museum scene and therefore to be able to show how standards and services have improved, where and by how much. This began in 1998 and has continued at two yearly intervals ever since. 

Regional Cultural Research Network - Scoping and Options Study

MLA West Midlands and West Midlands Life have commissioned a consultant to investigate options for a regional cultural research network.  The study is intended to identify the most appropriate option for the development of an integrated cultural research and data collection capability for the West Midlands region.

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