West Midlands Museums Policy Forum
The West Midlands Museum Policy Forum was formed in 2004 to ensure that Museums had a collective regional voice.
The Forum’s Aims and Objectives are:
To act as a bridge between the museum sector and cultural policy-making bodies in the West Midlands region and beyond.
To encourage dialogue and co-operation to ensure that regional museum priorities and issues are identified and disseminated.
To act as a consultative body for MLAWM.
To maximise benefit to all of the region’s museums from the Renaissance programme.
The Forum usually meets quarterly, which includes an annual open meeting.
At the Forum’s initial meeting the representation outlined below was agreed and nominations sought for each category.
Should current members retire then they are asked to identify, contact and nominate a willing successor.
The membership of the Forum is:
10 representatives from the Shire Counties, to include the County Museum Officers of each;
3 reps from Unitary Authorities, including Metropolitan Borough councils;
One rep from University Museums
One rep from Regimental Museums
One rep from National Museums
One rep from museums with Designated Collections
One rep from Independent Museums
One rep from the Midlands Federation of Museums and Art Galleries
The Forum representative on the Board is Kathleen Soriano
Contact Details
Robin Hill
Telephone: 01299 250416