You will find all resources related to Funding here.
Arts & Business Investment Programme
Arts & Business (A&B), the national charity dedicated to creating sustainable arts and business relationships, has announced changes to its investment programme.
Awards for All - lottery grants for local groups
National Lottery grants of between £500 and £5,000 are available to help your community.
Development Fund Grants Programme
Small service grants are for projects "attracting new audiences" linked to "improving collections".
Enriching Regions – a collecting scheme for regional museums
The Art Fund has launched an exciting new initiative that is targeted at three regions: the West Midlands, East Midlands and East of England. It will run from 1 Nov 2006 to 1 Nov 2007.
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
Gives grants to organisations which aim to improve the quality of life for people and communities both now and in the future.
A self-help online funding information service to assist in local charities, community groups, social enterprises and businesses gain access to comprehensive external funding information.
Heritage Funding Directory
A FREE online Heritage Funding Directory that brings together sources of heritage funding...